

Arkutino Area has its chance to turn into the dreamed oasis for recreation, planned decades ago. The buildings will start to live a new life in the frames assigned to them, with absolute respect and conservation of the Reserve. This will be the only good example in our new history for a symbiosis between tourism development and nature preservation.

Any new construction is forbidden by law, and the planned activities include exclusively and only modernization of the existing buildings and infrastructure.

In addition, the company Arkutino EAD (Single-member company) has organized a free of charge and free access for all Bulgarian citizens and for people visiting the Republic temporarily, access to Arkutino Beach through real estates owned by the company, by having reconstructed the whole available infrastructure at own expense, a parking lot under security surveillance is also planned to be offered.

History of the unit


The Beginning: Plans for the Black Sea coast

The Ministry of Architecture and Urban Planning has accepted a regional perspective plan for a multistage and planned development of our Black Sea coast as a first-class national and international resort. Urban planning solutions and projects for the separate seaside settlements, for the resort complexes and for other constructions have been developed by IPP (Institute for Prospecting and Planning) „Glavrpoekt“ and by the district designer’s organizations in Varna and Burgas. … Arkutino Area, which is unique in its character and picturesqueness, was determined to be the center of the new Ropotamo Complex.

Still in 1964, the Ministry of Architecture and Urban Planning accepted a regional perspective plan for a multistage and planned development of our Black Sea coast as a first-class national and international resort.

Urban planning solutions and projects for the separate seaside settlements, for the resort complexes and for other construction sites have been developed by IPP „Glavrpoekt“ and by the district designer’s organizations in Varna and Burgas.  

The plan provided for, conditions for recreation of about 3 million persons, including 1 million foreigners, to be created all over the Bulgarian Black Sea coast till 1980. New hotels, holiday stations, camps, camping areas, motels, etc. should be built for that purpose, with 175 000 beds in total. It has been outlined, the efforts to be concentrated in the region to the South of Sozopol to Primorsko.
A team of architects and other specialists from the former „Glavroekt“ had made profound analyses, then a general plan, afterwards a full urban planning solution and designs for this big international complex in our country have been developed. It has been planned, 50 000 beds to find place therein in an improved manner of service and providing bigger comfort and amenities. In addition, a new treatment of the beach and resort terrains has been proposed in the urban planning solution


The end of 1970s. The idea of Lyudmila Zhivkova

In 1979, proclaimed by the United Nations as the International Year of the Child, Lyudmila Zhivkova, the Chairman of the Art and Culture Committee, organized in Sofia the first International Children’s Assembly titled ‘Flag of Peace’. In continuation of this initiative, Arcutino was chosen as the place where, under the aegis of ‘Flag of Peace’, a “creative ecological complex ‘Ropotamo’” should be built. It should gather children from Bulgaria and foreign countries who, by training in a special program, to turn into leaders of organizations like the UN and UNESCO and to lead the world to a better and peaceful future. The location has been chosen thanks to its exclusive characteristics – forests, sea and beach, covered with greenery, sand dunes; home of protected plant species like snowflake, water lily, water lentil, and yellow water rose, as well as a favourite nesting place of many birds



The Council of Ministers took a decision, a total area of 1877 decares to be excluded from the State Forestry Fund and to be placed at disposal for establishment of a creative ecological complex ‘Ropotamo’ to a Flag of Peace Centre which, at that time, used to be a part of the Culture Committee. Two years later, on December 16th 1983, also the architectural design of the complex, elaborated by the state structure „Glavproekt“ was completed.

Lyudmila Zhivkova passed away suddenly in the same year. Her cause has been continued through the Foundation of the same name, founded by the State


Change of the initial idea

In 1986, building permits were issued for more than 600 decares designated for the construction of a complex named Housing Group Block 1/2/3/4 ‘Flag of Peace’. Several years later, the construction workers stopped working due to lack of financing by the Ministry of Culture. In search of a solution for finalization of the site, the Council of Ministers passed over the project from the Ministry of Culture to the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works. The need of an international children’s camp did no longer exist and a transformation was sought in consonance with the plans for the sea coast and realization of a luxurious complex.


After the changes

The properties were passed over between the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Public Education, private Bulgarian construction companies and even foreign investors from an investment fund registered in London, Great Britain, to an investment fund situated in the United Arab Emirates. In the meanwhile, a succession of lawsuits were brought to find the borders of the buffer zone of Ropotamo Reserve, not allowing performance of any new construction out of the existing one. On the one hand are the owners of properties, and on the other hand the State in the person of the Ministry of Environment and Water.
Finally, the fight was won by the State, whereby the borders of the buffer zone of Ropotamo Reserve included almost all private properties in Arkutino. Thus, in practice, new development out of the existing one is not allowed within the borders of the Reserve. Similarly, such is not planned as well.

Natura 2000

Natura 2000 covers the protected areas in Europe, established by the EU member states in compliance with the Habitats Directive of 1992 and the Birds Directive of 1979. It is aimed at the conservation of biodiversity – plant and animal species, through conservation of their habitats. It covers 34.9 % of the territory of our country, including a water area of 2821.35 square meters. Being a concentration of various rare species of wild flora and fauna, Arkutino belongs to the scope of the ecological network from the very beginning of its establishment in Bulgaria. During procedures related to the up-dating of Natura 2000 in 2020, carried out by the Ministry of Environment and Water, the company Arkutino EAD was asked to confirm and continue the participation of the real estate in the network. In this connection, Arkutino EAD has declared its will, by following the due procedure with the respective documentation, its own property to continue to be part of a Zone within Natura 2000.

Arkutino Area – a zone without new development

After enforcement of the Law on Biological Diversity and the Order on declaring a Ropotamo Reserve, only one complex was put in exploitation in this area, and namely: ‘Family Resort Arcutino’, built in 2008 with a construction permit for villa buildings.
There is a rough construction of the former complex ‘Flag of Peace’, built in 1986, as well as of a motel within the borders of Primorsko Municipality, along with several small houses and a restaurant, and no new development is planned.
Arcutino is the only place in Bulgaria where one can see, in parallel in one and the same season, the water and sand lilies protected by law.


The reality today

NO new construction within the borders of Ropotamo Reserve

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